Originally founded in 1992, Santa Rosa Nueva Ecija Association USA Inc, was the vision of six (6) great SantaRosarians living in United States of America – Ruben G Cruz, Rupeng Cruz, Lando Cruz, Isidro Cruz, Benigno Germino & Carlito Odra. These Co-Founders, in one of their meet ups, realized that they could help the town of Santa Rosa in many ways if they can bring together Santa Rosa folks living in USA by forming an association and regular fellowship.
For 23 years, the Association continue on their fellowship creating projects for Santa Rosa Nueva Ecija, however, due to unavoidable circumstances, the original association licenses were revoked on reasons we cannot disclosed.
On 2016, a new set of officers & directors were formed through the leadership of Jocelyn Bernardo and full support of Director Pablo Diamat, together, they made all the possible efforts to obtain a new license under the new name “SRNE Association USA Inc.”
SRNE Association USA Inc., now formally licensed as a new non-profit, 501(c)(3), was approved on August 19, 2016. Considered for now as a small organization, it is fueled by the passion of new sets of officers and board of directors to continue and make a difference in the lives of our most important treasure; our children.
Today, SRNE Association USA Inc main objective is to send as many students in the town of Santa Rosa Nueva Ecija, Philippines to finish college education by providing necessary funds for their college education needs. SRNEA USA Inc., believes that better education will help alleviate the nation from poverty. As we know, people born into poverty are likely to continue to live that way as adults. But researchers are discovering a way out — education.
Jocelyn Bernardo and the Board of Directors are full time volunteers who remain committed to running SRNE ASSOCIATION USA Inc., without receiving a monetary reward of any kind.
If you have the desire to become a part of us. We can send you an application form via email.
Please call us at +1.714.787.7425 or email us at admin@srnea-usa.org.